The concept of reconstruction of forest beekeeping in the area of State Forests Regional Directorate in Białystok is implemented on many levels. The idea of local promotion of beekeeping with practical workmanship of beehive logs has been realized in the form of the Poland's first BARCIOWISKO. In Augustów, of course.
The Forest District has prepared nine complete sets which allow the independent production of beehive logs by two-man teams and one model log. The set consisted of a thick piece of a robust pine truck and traditional beekeeping tools: skobliczka (a kind of chisel), cieślica (a kind of axe), chisel and pierzchnia (kind of chisel). In addition, one could use own axes, and combustion sawing machine for preliminary work if needed. The level of hard work was well depicted by the faces and pouring sweat. Some works, like for example lifting huge logs, required the help of competitive team. Three-hour struggle was accompanied by additional attractions, such as tasting honey and honey liqueurs, with the possibility of purchase of many rare bee products. In demonstration hive one could closely watch the bees, with a queen watched very eagerly. Children used the rare opportunity of tasting all kinds of honey, as well as took part in competitions on topics related to bees. The habitat of wild bees could be seen on photography exhibition: „Wild Nature of Augustów Forest”. Feast's musical setting was organized by hunting signallers group.
The competition of nine beekeeping teams was observed by the jury of BARCIOWISKO composed of: Ryszard Ziemblicki – Director of SFRD, Anna Bożena Jastrzębska – Director of Augustów Cultural Facilities, and Chief Foresters, Tadeusz Wasilewski and Adam Sieńko. The jury judged also the best flavours of displayed honeys and honey liqueurs.
The first place winners in the HONEY category were Jadwiga and Joachim Muczyński, for the honey with propolis and flower pollen. The second place ex aequo: Alfred Judycki and Teresa Milanowska, for meadow and marshy honey. In HONEY LIQUEURS category, Alfred Judycki and Teresa Milanowska went for the first place ex aequo, for a honey and a propolis liqueure.
As expected, the highest emotions accompanied the beekeeping teams. Although the equivalence of all teams was emphasised, it was the spirit of sport rivarly that was to emerge the winner. And thus for the first place of historical, first BARCIOWISKO, went the team of Adam Korzeniecki and Edward Sudnik. „Forest” team of Wojciech Szostak and Bogdan Klukowski went for the first place, and for the third place came the team of Józef Słomski and Wiesław Dobrowolski. Since the primary objective of the competition was improvement of the conditions of wild bees in forests, it should be emphasised that the professional beehive logs were made also by other teams of: Piotr Piłasiewicz and Paweł Kotwica, Kamil Szałwiński and Jakub Turel, Krzysztof Kaszub and Piotr Mroz, Marek Węgrzynowicz and Grzegorz Androsiuk, Father Wojciech Kalinowski and Mirosław Mroz, and the only family-team of father and son – Edward and Paweł Bielawski.
All logs will go to the area of Augusów Forest. The intention of the organizers is to make the BARCIOWISKO a cyclical event, systematically increasing the opportunity of development of wild bees.