The educational path of beekeeping
The educational path of beekeeping
At the Augustow Forest District Office was establishedan educational pathofbeekeeping...
Relation of Director of the National Park "Szulgan-Tasz" Michaiła Kosarjewa
Relation of Director of the National Park "Szulgan-Tasz" Michaiła Kosarjewa.
Na stronie Narodowego Parku "Szulgan-Tasz" w Baszkirii (Rosja) pojawiła się relacja dyrektora Parku Narodowego "Szulgan-Tasz" Michaiła Kosarjewa dotycząca wizyty delegacji...
Over 150 000 views
Over 150 000 views
We are pleased to announce that after less than a year of existence of the project's website, the number of views has exceeded 150 000.
Broadcast of documentary film
Broadcast of documentary film
We would like to inform about the broadcast of documentary film entitled "Traditional beekeeping: rescue of wild bees in the woods"...